Wednesday, February 19, 2025

10 Tips For Plane Travel

When they fly, many people feel some discomfort or sickness. Dry mouth, dry limbs, and swollen ankles are all common…

By Chan , in Travel , at March 21, 2022

When they fly, many people feel some discomfort or sickness. Dry mouth, dry limbs, and swollen ankles are all common on plane flights. They can also be caused by the environment in which you travel. These issues cannot be fixed, but there are steps you can take to help.

Cabin pressure can create an atmosphere that is 8,000 feet above the ground. It’s similar to being at the top of a mountain. It’s common for sitting or breathing to become more difficult due to the low humidity. Your body can also experience dehydration.

Here are some tips to make sure you feel the best while flying.

1. Get more water

Hydration is essential for handling any air travel challenges. Hydration is key, but water is the best option. However, electrolyte-heavy drinks like sports drink can be helpful in some cases. Avoid caffeine-rich beverages and diuretics like soda and coffee. For every hour that you are in the air, drink water. The increased bathroom breaks will allow you to stretch and hydrate.

2. Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcohol poses a double risk to aircraft wellness. Alcohol makes it harder for cells to absorb oxygen. This will make your altitude symptoms worse. It also dehydrates your body quicker. If you feel stressed about flying, choose a non-caffeinated beverage instead.

3. Hydration is key.

Low humidity can pose a problem for planes. The indoor humidity can be anywhere from 30 to 66%, but the humidity in an airplane cabin is around 10 to 20%. You and your body will feel more comfortable if you have a moisturizer for dry skin, and drops such as saline solution to treat your eyes, especially if contact lenses are worn. To pass the TSA, make sure you have enough to take with you.

4. Get ready to strengthen your immune system.

A cold that you get on a flight is not due to poor air quality or recycled material. It’s more likely to be caused by a combination of too many germs and your body’s inability to combat them. You’re among hundreds of others who have touched the items you touch and all are breathing in the same space, sometimes for several hours. Disposable wipes can be packed for the tray tables but it is best to get rest and stay hydrated.

5. Flex your calves.

In travel talk, “economy class syndrome” is sometimes used to describe immobility as a risk factor for deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Although it is not clear if flying increases the risk of DVT scientifically, prolonged immobility (more than 4 hours) is considered unhealthy in all contexts. To get blood flowing, you just need to contract your calves muscles by tapping your feet. This will move your hip joints, shins and thighs, as well as your feet. You can also keep your blood flowing by walking to the back of a plane or going to the toilet.

6. Everything else should be stretched.

Although it is less important than leg stretches for long periods of time, stretching is good for your body. To stretch your back, bring your chest to your thighs. Reach out in front to grab your arms. You may find it necessary to get up from your seat to perform more complicated moves in an airplane.

7. Sleep close to the window

Although you shouldn’t expect to get restful sleep on the plane you might be able to take advantage of it if you are suffering from jet lag. A window seat is the best option if you want to get some shut-eye. You will not only have complete control over the sun and shade, but also won’t be in danger of your fellow passengers climbing up or bumping into you from the aisle. You should also bring a neck pillow.

8. Create your own legroom.

Most travelers bring their luggage onboard because of baggage fees. This means overhead compartments and under-seat space are quickly filled. To maximize legroom, only pack the essentials in your carry-on if you have the option.

9. You should dress comfortably

Layers are important when traveling. Although it is a personal choice, you can still look stylish no matter what. It is common for planes to be cold. However, layers can be helpful in adjusting to different airports and climates.

10. Breathe.

When you are settled in your seat, take a few deep breathes. Breathing and meditation techniques can help you if you are anxious about flying. Adjusting your breathing rhythm can help you adjust to a new height.