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Ireland is a wonderful country to visit. Many historical and cultural attractions, parks, protected lands, and traditional activities exist. It…

By Chan , in Travel , at October 3, 2022

Ireland is a wonderful country to visit. Many historical and cultural attractions, parks, protected lands, and traditional activities exist. It takes two weeks to visit all of the sites within the centuries-old country. Here are some fun facts about Ireland that will help you get in the spirit for your trip to the Emerald Isle.

Interesting facts about Ireland – The Stats

The Emerald Isle is Ireland’s Nickname

The Emerald Isle was born from the lush green hills dot this island in the North Atlantic Ocean. Countries with cooler climates surround the dense green landscape and rarely see more snow than the dusting of snow on its hillsides and jagged rock faces.

This small country, bordering Great Britain, has a mild climate. It experiences cool summers and moderate winters. It is an ideal place year-round. It will be humid and cloudy 50% of the year with frequent rain showers.

We are thankful to Ireland for Halloween.

Another interesting fact about Ireland is that Halloween was created in Ireland. The Celtic festival Samhain is the basis of this fun holiday, which dates back more than 2,000 years. The ancient Irish people celebrated the day the dead would return to the Earth once a year before the new calendar year.

Ireland’s biggest all hollow’s eve celebration is available to those who visit the country in October. Derry is the top spot in the world to celebrate the spooky holiday. Londonderry Banks and the Foyle Halloween Festival offers a four-day celebration every October. Parades, bonfires and people dressed up as their favourite ghosts and ghouls are part of the festivities.

Ireland is one of the most religious countries in the West.

Despite declining church attendance worldwide, Ireland remains one of the most Christian countries in the world. Nearly four out of five residents of the Emerald Isles identify themselves as Christian. Around 34 per cent of Irish citizens regularly attend church.

It would help if you visited St. Patrick’s cathedral in Dublin, one of Ireland’s most iconic religious sites. Over 1,500 years ago, the celebrated Irish mass in this impressive house of worship.

Three Famous Breweries Are Found in Ireland

The island nation is well-known for its premium beer and liquor. The country’s brewing heritage dates back more than 5,000 years. It is home to Smithwicks, Guinness and Harp Lager, three of the most famous brewers in the world.

A fascinating Ireland fact is the famed Irish beer. The Guinness brewery holds a 9,000-year land lease. In 1759, Arthur Guinness, the founder of Guinness Brewery, signed the last lease at St. Jame’s Gate. In 1769, the company exported its famous lager to England.

Today, the country is home to 75 independent breweries bringing unique craft beers into the thousands of pubs nationwide.

Guinness Beer

Guinness is very well-known. There are 10 million pints per day of this delicious Irish drink. It takes time to pour the perfect Guinness pint. It takes 119.5 seconds to pour at a 45-degree angle.

Fun fact: The Guinness Book of World Records was created in 1950 by Sir Hugh Beaver. At the time, he was Guinness’ managing director. He realized there wasn’t a place to answer his question after arguing about Europe’s fastest bird of prey. This was not the first time there have been arguments in Irish pubs. So to satisfy the information gap, he compiled a book with facts and figures. The Guinness Book of World Records was thus born.

Bram Stoker, a famous author, was Irish.

Bram Stoker is another fun fact you might not know about Ireland. Famous for creating Count Dracula, the Irish author Bram Stoker was inspired by Sir Henry Irving, a friend and actor.

The story was written in England, and the main character’s journey starts in Transylvania. However, Stoker’s tale of the blood-draining creature that ate the night’s blood came from twenty years of Irish folklore. Count Dracula, despite his desire to tell a story of caution and not fiction, is still one of the most famous fictional characters in the world.