All You Need To Realise When Travelling With CBD
Even though the use of CBD has been made legal in many countries around the world, there are still several…
Even though the use of CBD has been made legal in many countries around the world, there are still several caveats that you need to be aware of when travelling across multiple countries. This is because the rules are not the same in all countries and any mistakes can put you in police custody in a foreign land.
With that being said, in this article, we’ll be sharing all the information you need to know when travelling with the best CBD e liquid in the UK.
The Real Question: Can You Really Travel With CBD Or There Are Conditions That You Need To Meet?
It should be realised that under the current CBD laws, it’s totally legal if you travel with CBD that has been made from hemp. However, if the CBD product is made out of marihuana, then the travel procedure is illegal. The reason is that CBD that has been derived from marijuana also contains THC which is the reason intaking CBD gives a natural ‘high’ feeling.
It’s only because of such differences between the two types of CBD that you need to know about when travelling.
Should You Travel With CBD Oil?
When it comes to traversing with CBD oil, conditions are applied similarly. You’ll not be getting into trouble for that matter because CBD oils are generally derived from hemp. Moreover, you also do not need to agonise about CBD products that are hemp-derived. Ensure that the CBD oil you’re buying for travel shouldn’t contain marijuana.
How Can CBD Will Make The Flying Process Less Intimidating?
In case travelling by air makes you nervous, then you’re definitely not alone. At least two-and-a-half per cent of the total flying population have phobias of flying. Even though such a problem can easily be solved with the help of exposure therapy, counselling and other methods – CBD can help you deal with these issues quite easily.
With the help of CBD, you can deal with PTSD, chronic pain, depression and various other conditions that will make your flying experience much more enjoyable.
Packing Your Bags Smartly
It’s suggested that when you’re travelling with CBD, ensure that you pack all your CBD products inside a single zip-lock bag. Moreover, you should not carry containers of more than 100 ml. In case you’re carrying a battery-powered vape, then you should remember to keep them in your in-hand bag rather than your main luggage because you’re not allowed to keep them inside your luggage.
If you want more statistics, you can always read up on the rules & regulations laid down by your country’s government. Moreover, ensure that you carry CBD products in shatter-resistant containers – along with adequate insulation and wrapping.