Permanent Vacation – 5 Steps to Take If You Want the Digital Nomad Lifestyle
Working a nine-to-five job isn’t everyone’s idea of the ideal life. After all, who wants to plug away in an…
Working a nine-to-five job isn’t everyone’s idea of the ideal life. After all, who wants to plug away in an office cubicle every workday until they retire? As it turns out, not many. Life on the road may be calling, but what are you going to do about it? Here are the steps you need to take to live the digital nomad lifestyle.
Step 1: Be Contactable
If you plan to be on the road for much of your working life, you may find it challenging to stay in touch with your customers. After all, the address you have one day may not be the one you have the next. Mail from your clients surely won’t get to you while you’re parked at a remote beach. That’s why virtual offices are growing in popularity.
You can work from that remote beach while enjoying a virtual façade complete with a business address, mail forwarding, and even reception services. You then have one port of call for your mail and business dealings, but you’re not tied to it.
Step 2: Choose a Nomad Vehicle
Traveling around the countryside fulltime is a lifestyle that many people aspire to have. It can seem glamorous from the outside, but the truth of your experience will be dependent on your vehicle of choice. How do you plan on living that digital nomad lifestyle? For many, an RV is the clear winner. Millions of people travel across the United States in these houses on wheels that offer all the luxuries of a home base. The only difference is that you’re not stuck with one view, day in, day out.
Step 3: Create a Few Bases
Even with a premium vehicle that enables you to work on the road in comfort and style, it’s still helpful to have a few home bases dotted around the country. These are places where you can pull up, fill your water tanks, hook into electricity, and gain a sense of normality for a few days.
These bases are also incredibly useful when you take on a challenging project that requires you to work solidly without interruptions. They enable you to refresh yourself after months on the road, especially if you’re missing the space and comfort of a house with four walls. While semi-permanent traveling is growing in popularity, staying connected with those who live the suburban life is still essential.
Step 4: Explore
It can’t be all work and no play. Sure, you can pull up at an idyllic spot for a few hours of work, but it’s hard to enjoy it if you end up staring at a screen all day. If you’ve decided that a working life on the road is for you, then make sure you factor in at least an hour a day to appreciate what the country has to offer.
Step 5: Blog
More and more people are electing to sell their homes, invest in a motorhome or tiny house on wheels, and spend 365 days of the year traveling to new and exciting places. It’s a thrilling adventure, and why should you be the only one to enjoy all its ups and downs? Blogging can allow friends, family, and clients to see exactly how you live your life, while also remaining up to date with where you are.
Not everyone is going to be able to live a free life on the road, but is it a possibility for you? Start putting plans in place that will allow you to see more of your country and say goodbye to the tired old nine-to-five routine.