Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Learning the Different Types of Diseases and Other Issues That Natural Grass Can Be Subjected to

When it comes to natural grass, it should be noted that it’s susceptible to all forms of issues and diseases…

By Richard , in Health , at March 16, 2020

When it comes to natural grass, it should be noted that it’s susceptible to all forms of issues and diseases that easily turn your lawn into something unnerving and a frustrating challenge to deal with. 

However, it should be remembered that not every type of grass gets affected by the same kind of disease. The type of disease along with the complexity will depend on the weather and place along with the way your lawn is maintained as well This is the reason why it’s always a better choice to opt for artificial grass and avoid these problems altogether. 

The Common Diseases For Turf Grass

  • Brown Patches – This disease happens during the winters or when the weather is cold. The best time to spot brown patches would be during the Springtime, where the night temperatures are comparatively colder. By the time you’ll spot brown patches, your grass will already be in trouble.
  • Pythium Blight The Pythium Blight is a type of water-based mould which forms due to build-up of moisture, humid conditions, poor draining or damp spots. This creates a soggy, greyish looking patch on your lawn.
  • Pink Snow Mould Or Gray Snow Mould – In case you have your lawn at a higher elevation where you receive snowfall during the winters, you can spot such issues on your lawn. These moulds are characterised by patches that are water-based, grey or reddish and occurs mainly during the end of the winter season.
    As the weather conditions start to dry up, these patches turn brown. It should be noted that pink snow moulds cause more damage than the grey ones.
  • Summer Patches – This looks like a brown-coloured patch but mainly shows up during the latter half of the summer season.
  • Powdery Mildew – In case your garden is shady and has a slightly cooler temperature overall, the natural grass that is located inside the shady regions might develop mildew, which will look like a powdered form.
  • Rust Spores – These spores can infect grass blades if there’s any nearby garden which is used to host plants. Rusting of the grass is generally prevalent during the winters when the weather is cold and damp.
  • Slime Mould – The slime mould mainly appears when the surrounding temperature of the lawn is moist and warm. This issue can’t be termed as a disease per se since it doesn’t damage the respective grass in any manner. But, overall it makes your lawn look gross. You can buy amazing artificial glass from Unreal Lawns

Moreover, it should be noted that all of these diseases are related to fungal infections, which means that one or more fungus is responsible for such issues.